Compilation des vidéos Instagram de Justin Bieber!!

Mister Buzz 2013-08-11

Views 552

Voici la compilation OFFICIELLE des vidéos Instagram de Justin Bieber... ça a tellement cartonné que son label a décidé d'en faire un compil...

1. First Instagram video - 0:00
2. Heat Win - 0:15
3. Beliebers - 0:30
4. Off to somewhere - 0:45
5. Too much traffic - 1:00
6. And I will always love you - 1:09
7. You - 1:20
8. Whyigottafall - 1:32
9. No Name - 1:42
10. 4thefans - 1:52
11. Lolly Maejor - 2:08
12. Singing first line of Heartbreaker - 2:21
13. Make sure you eat your vitamins - 2:37
14. She says she loves my lolly - 2:45
15. Please Toronto Maple Leafs win the cup - 2:59
16. If we don't get drafted it's a problem - 3:14
17. Best fans in the world - 3:29
18. Crew - 3:41
19. This is Chaz - 3:55
20. Who's grizzls the best - 4:09

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