Checkout: for deluxe bark control collar review - For sure, the deluxe little dog bark control collar utilizes nano-technology to really make it light-weight and little so it fits pretty good on little and also medium-sized dogs.
The patented technology makes sure a dogs bark will be the only sound that will activate one of the ten levels of static correction. The correction begins with the smallest degree and raises if barking continues.
The collar also takes note of the level of correction that made the dog stop barking so once the dog barks again, the collar begins correcting at the remembered point. A safety time out will shut off the correction for 3 minutes when the dog barks over 15 times in 1 minute 20seconds.
The new design is nylon web. Each collars fit neck sizes about 16-inch and dogs that weigh 8-55-pounds. It really works so well, and without any obvious pain on dogs. Like i said before, this thing is very light-weight and little and matches completely on dogs neck.