After wrapping up his on-going shoot for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Gabbar', actor-filmmaker Akshay Kumar is geared up for his next action film with director Neeraj Pandey. And if reports are to be believed true then the film has been titled as 'Baby'. Wondering what the film is all about and what made the filmmaker to title his film as 'Baby'?
Well, we have learnt that that there is a certain meaning and importance attached to this title, but the makers are keeping it a close guarded secret. And while Akki's last association with Neeraj as 'Special 26′ was high on suspense, 'Baby' is said to have heavy duty and high speed action sequences. Hmmm... sounds interesting!
Now wondering who is supposed to be romancing Akki in Baby? Well, the makers have roped in Taapsee Pannu as female lead in the film, which is presently slated to release in theatres on Republic Day, 2015.
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