Welcome to Mali Style.http://www.malistyle.com . Let me start by introducing myself. My Name is Maire Morris, but everybody calls me Mo. So let's get too it; what is Mali Style's objective? Our aim is to make online shopping as hassle-free as possible for all you fashionistas! We offer great customer service,quality products at affordable prices,quick delivery,international delivery & free returns collected from an address of your choice,so no more awkward trips to the post office!!!! However above all else I believe we offer you the personal touch online. You can connect with me on facebook here, also on twitter and Google+. Feel free to connect with me guys as I want this to be an online experience with the human touch for you.
Again guys feel free to browse the site and follow like and plus my material and share of course and above all else buy something you likeJ So that's it from me guys hope to see you soon.
Good bye for now Mo from:
Mali Styl