Yamamay was the last designer to showcase on Saturday, May 17th. After seeing style concepts in long ethereal gowns, silky dresses and even raincoats, it was time to show the results of all the hardwork of the Italian talent to the world.
YAMAMAY unveiled its Summer 2014 collection to the catwalk front row of the Miami Beach Convention Center; the event featured a music performance by Ben Dj.
Miss Universe 2013 Gabriela Isler kicked off the fashion show while wearing the Sparkling swimming costume, a coral red one-piece suit with sophisticated and elaborate interweaves, and a shimmering diamond choker.
At Miss Universe's side, there were other beautiful mermaids who brought the Yamamay taste of Summer on the most glamorous catwalk of the year, wearing a selection of pieces from #MySummerCollection: sexy bathing suits, colored designs, sensual beachwear and elegant clothes.
And at the end of it all, it was a real standing ovation: Yamamay beachwear was a complete delight for all those in attendance and conquered the international audience of Miami.