Human minds today
Evolves around boundaries
Every individual has drawn a line
In his mind with limitations
There he decides his intentions
Within that bordered space
Not been able to break away
To the freedom level
Strings pulling him down
From behind and prevents
Nor he able to predict or decide
What is right and to choose
Same with all individuals
That we call humans
The result is there to see
By losing the opportunity
To mingle free and at will
We become self-centered
Jealous, Greedy and inhuman
In our approach and habits
Nor have the mentality to help
Those who are in need
Not missing any opportunity
To make the other suffer
Even at the cost of one’s life.
Are we humans to destroy
The value of humanity
Fed up seeing the painful status
The World is at present.
© By Sasidharan T. Vellat.
Sasivellat Menon