The Outer Facade masks an Inside Attack
From a Silent..Devouring
Demon in Black
Determidley Creeping
And Seeping its Way
Closer to Target
Its Intended Prey.
The Unaware Body...Ignorant in its Bliss;
; of the Danger preparing
That first Decayed Kiss.
With Hungered Destruction it begins to Infect
Via Bloodied Invasion of Poisoness Mess
As the War Rages on
Body Cannot Protect when
The Mind is in Battle to even Accept.
Asking 'Why did this Happen? '
'Is it Judgement....Or Fate? '
'Was it Fueled by the Innocent Guilt of Mistakes? '
'Am I Doomed To Be Punished? '
'Forever Erased? '...
'Is this Body now only just..
....Unwanted Waste? 'Jx
© Jodie Mayhew
Jodie Mayhew