Do not be scared of being stung,
A sharp little prick, did many a wonderful deed.
When you were born, a jab of vaccine
Saved you from being a life time of a crippled machine.
You are born to walk the Amazon of your life,
Rather you determine how deep is your forest,
How wild, how hunted, how dark and how forested.
You will get leech bites, you will need to run from the Cheetas's bite,
But if you choose the forest wild and vast,
Its soil and aroma will perfume your last,
Your poems will grow as trees, birds, flowers,
Slither as snakes and swim as fishes,
They will perch on the Rhinos and clean the Croc's teeth,
And dance with the Elephants as the gait with mad beat.
Then something strange will happen,
You will become a poem,
Written by you, published by you,
With no copy right, needed for the night,
As you will live an infinite day, in your own humble might.
Hardik Vaidya