If asked to describe you, where
would I begin! I could start, with
your lovely black hair, with tan
and white, blended in! How
beautiful, you were and quite a
sight, to see. I knew at that very
moment, that you, had to belong,
to me! I felt sad, seeing you locked
up, in your cage. Especially when
they told me, about your age! Here
you were, already four months old
and so many, had passed you by!
But then I started thinking, there had
to be a reason, as we were meant
to be together, you and I. I had heard
about Party Poodles, but you were
the very first one, I'd ever seen. That
explained the different colors, the black,
tan and white in between! Well he turned
out to be quite a handful, full of relentless
energy. But he's so very loving and gives
so much, to me! So I'm very happy, I found
him and I'm sure, he's just as happy too.
For here we are, the both of us, starting
life, anew!
Audrey Heller