Said the Sage (A Villanelle in Pentametre)
'If we really wish for Peace' said the sage,
'Before fighting with another nation,
With our own defects a war we should wage.
'Do as you'd be done by' goes the adage.
From this, we should draw some inspiration,
If we really wish for peace' said the sage.
'All thoughts of vengeance born of senseless rage
Curbing, for our aims' fructification,
With our own defects a war we should wage.
Into others' faults why should we rummage?
Succumb we should not, to such temptation,
If we really wish for peace' said the sage.
'In order to make her return-passage
Safe, and free from all contamination,
With our own defects a war we should wage.
We might manage, thus, to unlock her cage
And gain for her 'Emancipation'.
If we really wish for Peace' siad the sage
'With our own defects a war we should wage'.
Dr. Tulsi Hanumanthu