for my former housemates who are now in their chosen fields,
ka roland barce, michael, gary, ka noel plaza, ka jerry ablon, ka joel salas, ka elmer balatayo.ka dongdong falcon, ka reverend romulo villanon, ka jun batto amd bonsing (deceased)
Stillness made peculiar in this avenue
vehicles were frozen
meters away
heading to my tenement
I didn't know yet the cause
I knew the effect - heavy traffic
a couple of minutes
what an unfamiliar objects had been
chasing before me
like an emergency 911 ambulance
from disastrous accident
and chasing before me
like a hungry vampire too greedy
to suck my blood for revenge
and proliferate in numbers
they worn silver feet
marching slantwisely
not by platoons but by companies
not by companies but by battalions
I ran as a freed cheetah
catching antelope for heavy dinner
until I was saved beneath the left
rusty roof on my rented home
exhausted as I placed the plastic
tab pointing the ceiling pipe nozzle
now the silver feet are accumulated inside
the huge rain container
ready to wash my muddy shoes
and stained white shirt
Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan