Next, Buddha moved to Rajagriha,
The Capital of Kingdom Maghada.
King Bimbisara received Buddha well.
As he was already his disciple.
Buddha and his disciples
Went with their alms-bowls,
And the king gave them food,
With reverence and gratitude.
For their comfortable rest,
He gave the bamboo forest,
Veluvana, near the capital,
Which was very beautiful.
A convenient place it was
For their preaching use,
Also for their meditation,
And practicing lessons.
When the king was a visitor,
Others followed him there.
Veluvana became crowded,
When all people visited.
They came with disturbed mind,
But with great relief, they returned.
Buddha showered compassion,
Rich or poor, to everyone.
All his disciples found
That he was very kind
Towards them uniformly
And treated them nicely.
One was slow in learning
As he wasn’t remembering
Whatever taught to him.
Others mocked at him.
Buddha took up this case
And handled him with ease.
He told him one, one sentence
Each day, with all patience.
As if it was a miracle,
In a few days, this disciple,
Picked up lessons well
To the surprise of all.
Buddha just said catch words,
“Words, thoughts and actions,
Greed, anger, and stupidity,
Which settled in his mind quickly.
The disciple said, “From now on,
My thought, speech and action,
I shall control to avoid
Anger, stupidity and greed.”
Buddha completed, “Thereby
You’ll attain enlightenment surely.”
Buddha was an incarnation
Of limitless compassion.
Rajaram Ramachandran