DEATH is....
* to some a torment, spent in hells eternal night
to some a relief, the weary soul taking flight
to some a reward, promising heavens shining light
to some a nothingness, the simple ending of sight
but to all it's a promise, humanities birthright.
* a closing of the eyes so that there may be an opening of the mind
SIN is....
* an idea that can bind you faster than the strongest chain
* a parent threatens the wilful child with the 'boogeyman' society threatens the wilful soul with 'sin'
REVENGE is....
* a crime when committed by man, justice when committed by society
* when an obsession with anothers aggression leads to the possession of our own transgression
PEACE is.....
* the prize of war, only won with an ocean of fathomless tears for the uncounted dead
* the dream of many ransomed by the will of a few
* the antithesis of want, the two can never exist side by side only when there is none found wanting, can peace be found
HOPE is.....
* a solitary spark in the darkness that, when ignited, sends the shadows fleeing and illuminates the entire world
* a rare and precious gift. once received none can take it by force or guile, if lost it can always be re-found and can be endlessly given without diminishing itself
* a beacon to guide you through the tempestuous seas of life but if you lose sight of it, you are lost on the calmest of clear days
amber roser