She was blind & had never seen any
Nor even her reflection in mirror…..
She use to see the world with her
soul's eyes,
She made me too believe that happiness
just within us lies.
That day she completed her age's six
She lives & also makes others live life
without any fears.
She colored everyone's life like rainbow
in sky,
She is just like silver line that comes
after dark clouds so that birds can fly.
She changed my life & filled my lonely
heart with her smiles,
She is my heart & without her life look
like miles.
Just next day of her birthday I dressed
her doll like bride,
And suddenly she started crying to see her
doll like bride & with me she had a fight.
She was blind & had never seen any color,
Nor even her reflection in mirror…..
I had a meeting with doctor to find whether
she will be ever be able to see.
Doctor told 'yes but someone is needed to
donate eyes from blindness to set her free.
I signed some papers & gave it to doctor,
She gave me meaning to my life so I wanted
to gift happiness to her.
While going back from office to home I meet
an accident,
My life was saved with her innocent prayers
but in comma I went.
I thank god that he gave me chance to give
her gift,
I gifted my eyes to her, to her purity & not
any myth.
She came in my life with ray of hope when
nothing was fine,
She is god's gift to whom I can say mine.
Now she can see all colors,
And also her reflection in mirror…..
Anita Trivedi