Everything is a metaphor for everything else.
The conundrum of existence doesn't have to wait to be born.
Real order emerges from chaos in the universe.
Windows can work both ways,
And doors usually open outward in one direction only-
But sometimes the only way out is through neither door nor window,
And probably nobody will tell you this;
You’ll have to figure it out on your own.
Nature was the original pun.
Not everything is a delusion, even if it's late and you're very drunk.
Increasing complexity leads to more of the same.
Life doesn't care if you survive or not.
Everyone is dying whether they know it or not.
Our expectations of things are nearly always wrong.
If you already knew everything when young
That you will know as an older person-
You'd almost certainly wind up in jail.
Time is money squared and vice versa-
And there's never enough of either.
But sharing part of yourself leads
To having more of yourself to share.
The truth is a puzzle and nobody has all the pieces;
If you meet someone and they seem to have part of it,
Sell your soul if you must, to go find it-
Because that fragment may be the only one
You come in contact with, in your finite days.
Last, if you’re too sophisticated and dignified
To have fun when you get old
You may as well be dead anyway.
Patti Masterman