Takedown MMA Radio: Justice For Hire interview w/ John Machado, Jan Lucanus & team

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Takedown MMA Radio interviews the team behind the most downloaded MMA comic books on their upcoming live action series, "JFH: Justice For Hire". Guests include Brazilian Jiu Jitsu icon John Machado, JFH creator Jan Lucanus, and Hollywood executives Sam Levine and Patrick Brennan. (August 2012)

You can read "JFH: Justice For Hire" and other Creative Impulse Comics on any of these digital comics shops:

- comiXology - www.comixology.com/Creative-Impuls…-publ­isher/73-0

- ComicPlus - digital.comicsplusapp.com/group_comics…i­sher_id=141

- Farrago Comics (where everything is #FREE) - farragocomics.com/

- Ave!Comics - www.avecomics.com/en/comics/6159/asusto.­html

- DriveThruComics - comics.drivethrustuff.com/browse/pub/7…t­ive-Impulse

- Visionbooks - visionbooks.co/comics/view/174

- Google Play - play.google.com/store/books/detai…0?id=W­HoMBgAAQBAJ

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