Kirchentag 2015:- Greedy hireling Pastors working for Mammon seek Gospel Peace - 1.

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Kirchentag 2015:- Greedy hireling Pastors working for Mammon seek Gospel Peace - 1.


Hi Brethren,

I went to Kirchentag in Germany and many people attend this event that lasts for four days but they put up a ticket to deter the visitors. What you get from God is Free and you give it free and that is why our Father is called, “Royal” and we are His Royal Priests Preaching Gospel with pleasure to our Brethren. But such organisations that are Mammon orientated, nothing is free but charged all over. They have hireling Dog-Collared Priests, the cups white-washed from outside and full of filth from inside in the manner of Judas Iscariot who was a “Thief” stealing money from the Purse as these hirelings do at the end of the month steal church donations as their salaries. In defence of their theft, they quote that the labourers are worth their Wage but our Father does not give us Wage but Gift at His Own Pleasure that no one can argue. Remember that Jesus cleared this when His Labourers employed in the Vineyard of our Father were awarded Holy Spirit as Gift, the same to everyone and He told them that is what I promised to you when I employed you. Peter was Most Happy man to receive this Gift and He became Drunk with the New Wine whilst the others had the taste of New Wine before and they were not so Drunk but they were Humble with the Gift as Jesus was.

So, let us Preach Gospel from the Rooftops by becoming solitary to enter the Royal Vineyard of our Father where the True Vine, our Royal High Priest Christ Jesus, has been planted. Unless, you Graft yourself to This True Vine, you cannot learn Gospel, the Logos, and Nectar of logical reasoning. When two or three are gathered together in the name of our Bridegroom Christ Jesus, He is Among us to lead us. Thus, you need to be His Solitary Virgin Bride who does not make the followings of the spiritually blind people as the Temple Priests had. That is why Jesus told the Temple Rabbis where I am going, you cannot follow me as you are used to following your Temple High Priest or people follow Pope, Bishops, etc. today. Thus, the spiritually blind follow others and not the sensible twice-born people capable of logical reasoning, who are called Atheists by the blind in the Churches employing Judas Iscariot Thief in Sheep’s Clothing, the Dog-Collar. Priests work for Mammon and not God for they too retire at 65 like a Policeman in his uniform. We, the Solitary Royal Priests serve our Father God in honour of our anointed Elder Brother till our physical death as in Jesus, we being the sons of most high God, we are eternal like our Father called Resurrection or Rest.

Thus, make people to think logically for them and this Gospel is not something that a schoolmaster can teach. You get it yourself through logical reasoning among Fellow Royal Priests.

The moral laws are Reflections of His Word. What applies to flesh, the opposite to spirit? Keep this in mind. In flesh, everyone has his own parents whilst in spirit; we have One Parent, God. God is both Father and Mother; Two in One. Mouthpiece of God is our Mother Holy Spirit. We are the sons of Most High God, the Christs and not the dead in letters Christians as the students or Disciples of the School Masters are but we are Workers employed in the Vineyard of our Father where the True Vine Christ Jesus is and this Vineyard has Narrow Gate for the Solitary people. That is why no one can follow Jesus but he has to first seek the Narrow Gate himself.

Thus, in Jesus, we are all Brethren whether in flesh you may be a male or a female if we are to become heirs to the Royal Kingdom of our Father. So, wife, husband, sons and daughters, etc. in flesh become our Brethren in God. Thus, a wife becomes a man if she can think herself and not follow anyone even her husband. That is why Jesus demonstrated the nature of a solitary master of his own destiny in John 9, the Parable of the born-blind young man, who mocked the ruling Rabbis. That is why Jesus said, "Unless you deny your parents, who try to impose their own views upon children and would not let them to be solitary, you have no part of me because you cannot enter into the Royal Vineyard where He is to be found. So, we look after our parents but we do not do what they tell us to do.

This is called the Fishing of Men, the solitary individuals whether they are male or female in flesh. And we are Fishers of men and not of women who follow Pope, Bishops, etc. So, this song sung at Kirchentag, “I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go and near him I always will be for nothing can keep me away”. What is the difference between the Temple Rabbis and these Anti-Christ Priests in the Churches? Matt.12v43-45 has the answer.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v

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