Kryesfida e javës se 4-ët - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Java e 4 e superliges rezervon përballjen mes dy skuadrave qe kane arritur formën optimale ne ndeshjet e fundit, por edhe qe kane dhuruar gjithmonë ne histori emocione dhe spektakël, Tirana-Flamurtari.
Te dy skuadrat kane arritur dy fitore radhazi ne kampionat, janë ne te njëjtën kuote pikesh 6 ne renditjen e superliges dhe per me tepër vine nga fitoret e jashtëzakonshme ne kupe Tirana 7-1 ndaj Himares dhe Flamurtari 11-0 me Bilishtin. "Ne prag te kësaj sfide ekipi yne moralisht paraqitet mire. Jane disa takime qe po marrim rezultate pozitive. Nuk do ta veçoja kete sfide si me te rëndësishme. Per mua te gjitha takimet jane te vështira dhe te rëndësishme. Si gjithmonë ka probleme, por mendoj se deri ditën e diele ato do te jene zgjidhur", eshte shprehur trajneri Sanchez. I pyetur per afrimin me te ri ne skuadër Klodian Duron, nje arme plus per Tiranen ne kete sfide, tekniku spanjoll e ka shprehur kenaqesine e tij duke bere nje loje fjalësh me mbiemrin e futbollistit qe ne spanjisht do te thotë i forte. Takimi mes Tranes dhe Flamurtarit do te luhet diten e diele, ndërkohë qe sektori i garave te pakten pranë FSHF-së sipas shkresës zyrtare akoma nuk ka përcaktuar orarin se kur do te zhvillohet kjo ndeshje.

Week 4 of the Super League reserves the confrontation between two teams that have reached the optimal form in recent matches, but also that we are always making history and show emotions, Tirana-FC.
Both teams have achieved two consecutive wins in the league, are in the same quota of points 6 in the rankings for the Super League and more come from extraordinary gains in Tirana cup Himara and Birmingham 7-1 to 11-0 with Bilisht. "On the eve of that challenge our team appear morally better. There are some meetings that are taking positive results. There will highlight the challenge as most important. For me all the meetings are difficult and important. As always there are problems, but I think that up on the Sunday they will be resolved ", stated coach Sanchez. I asked for a new approach to team with Klodian Duron, plus a weapon in Tirana in this challenge, the Spanish technician has expressed his satisfaction by making a pun with the player name in Spanish that means strong. Meeting between Flamurtari Tranes and will be played on Sunday, while the sector of races at least near FSHF under official document has not yet determined when the schedule will be developed this game.

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