Mbyllet hetimi për Spahiun - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Me korrespodencën shkresore te fondeve te përdorura nga KLD ne 3 vitet e fundit, kur zv/kryetar ishte kreshnik spahiu, komisioni parlamentar mbylli hetimin.
5 deputetet e mazhorances, anëtare te komisionit pritet te dalin te hënën e ardhshme me një raport qe i dërgohet kuvendit për votim. Vete kreshnik spahiu deklaroi dorëheqjen nga posti i zv/kryetarit te KLD, por për mazhorancen ky akt nuk ka vlere juridike sepse dorëheqja duhet ti paraqitet kuvendit, organ qe e ka zgjedhur ne 2007. Opozita nuk u be pjese e komisionit hetimor, duke e konsideruar atë një proces politik kundër Spahiut, i cili ka lajmëruar ngritjen e një formacioni te ri politik ne oponence me shumicën aktuale.

Written correspondence with the funds used by the HCJ in the last 3 years, when vice / president was kreshnik spahiu, closed parliamentary committee investigation.
5 MPs of the majority, a member of the commission is expected to appear next Monday with a report that is sent to the Assembly for a vote. Spahiu declared himself kreshnik resign the vice / president of the HJC, but for a majority vote, the act was not legally valid because the resignation should be submitted to Parliament, a body that has elected in 2007. The opposition did not form part of the inquiry commission, considering it a political process against Spahiu, announcing the establishment of a new political formation in opposition to the current majority.

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