Homazhe për Esmeralda Uruçin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Familjare, miq e kolege, kryesisht politikane e deputeteve kane zhvilluar homazhe për ish ministren e Kulturës, Esmeralda Uruçi. Ne ceremoninë e mbajtur ne hollin e Teatrin te Operës dhe Baletit, Urucit, iu bene nderimet e fundit pasi ajo u nda nga jeta rreth mesditës se te mërkurës ne Qendrën Spitalore "Nene Tereza", si pasoje e komplikacioneve te renda, qe pas aksidentit qe pësoi ne 17 dhjetor bashke me te shoqin. E ndërsa ne ceremoni për te zhvilluar homazhe morën pjese kryesisht deputete te majte, pasi Uruci ka qene ministre e Kulturës ne kohen e qeverisjes nga Partia Socialiste, kryeministri Berisha përcolli ngushëllimet e tij përmes një buqete me lule. Esmeralda Uruci, ka qene lektore ne disa universitete te vendit si dhe autore e një sere tekstesh universitare.

Family, friends and colleagues, mainly politicians and parliamentarians have developed tribute to former Minister of Culture, Esmeralda Uruçi. In a ceremony held in the lobby of the Theater of Opera and Ballet, Uruçi, they did pay their last respects after she passed away around noon Wednesday at the Hospital Center "Mother Teresa" as a result of serious complications, that after the accident that suffered on December 17 together with her ??husband. And while we develop the homage ceremony attended mostly deputies left after Uruçi Minister of Culture was at the time of the Socialist Party government, Premier Berisha conveyed his condolences through a bouquet of flowers. Uruçi Esmeralda, has been a lecturer at several universities in the country and author of a series of undergraduate textbooks.

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