Shtyhet fituesi i projektit te Bulevardit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Shtyhet serish shpallja e projektit fitues për zgjatimin e Bulevardit kryesor, deri ne Lumin e Tiranes. Kur pritej nxjerrja e studios me te mire, Bashkia e Tiranes ka organizuar një konkurs te dyte. Edhe për tre dite te tjera juria ndërkombëtare do te dëgjojë prezantimet e dy studiove finaliste, turko-britanikes "DAR Group" dhe britanikes "Grimshaw", te cilat risjellin projektin e zgjatimit te Bulevardit me disa ndryshime. Kryetari i Bashkise, Lulezim Basha, deklaroi se zbatimi i njërit prej tyre do te sjelle zhvillimin e veriut te Tiranes dhe do te hape vende te reja pune. Dy muaj pas konkursit te pare ndërkombëtar, dy studiot finaliste prezantuan disa ndryshime ne projekte, referuar edhe sugjerimeve te grupit teknik. Një nga pretendentet kryesor, studioja turko-britanike "DAR Group" ka reduktuar koston e projektit. Nga 41 milion euro qe llogaritej zbatimi i tij, shifra është ulur ne 18-23 milion euro. Referuar kësaj fature, arkitektet kane bere reduktime edhe te objekteve ne projekt. Krahas zëvendësimit te ndërtimeve publike e tregtare me hapësira te gjelbra edhe zgjatimi i Bulevardit është shkurtuar nga 300 ne 100 metra. Ndërsa studio britanike "Grimshaw" i ka dhënë përparësi menaxhimit te trafikut dhe krijimit te vend parkimeve. Ne projektin e rishikuar britaniket i kane lënë mundësinë Bashkise qe ne disa zona përgjatë bulevardit te përcaktojë vete llojin dhe funksionin e ndërtimeve. Fituesi i projektit te zgjatimit te Bulevardit kryesor deri ne Lumin e Tiranes do te shpallet ne 16 maj.

Again postponed the announcement of the winning project for the extension of the main boulevard, to the river of Tirana. When the expected issuance of a better studio, the Municipality of Tirana has organized a contest to second. Even the other day for three international jury will hear presentations from both finalists studios, Turkish-britanikes "RED Group" and britanikes "Grimshaw", which restore the boulevard extension project with some changes. Mayor, Lulzim Basha, said that implementation of one of them will lead to the development of the north of Tirana and will open new jobs. Two months after the first international competition, two finalists studios presented some changes to projects referred to the suggestions of the technical group. One of the main contenders, studying Turkish-British "RED Group" has reduced the cost of the project. From 41 million euros was accounted for its implementation, the figure is reduced to 18-23 million euros. Referring to this bill, the architects have made reductions to facilities in the project. Besides the replacement of public buildings green commercial space and elongation of the boulevard was shortened from 300 to 100 meters. While British studio "Grimshaw" has given priority to traffic management and creation of parking space. We reviewed the project have left the British Hall possibility that in some areas along the boulevard to define themselves and function of construction type. Winner of the boulevard exten...

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