Alibeaj: Ina Rama deri ne nëntor - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Ish-ministri i Drejtësisë, Enkelejd Alibeaj, duke iu bashkuar polemikave publike për fundin e mandatit te Prokurores se Përgjithshme Ina Rama, tha se ai mbaron saktësisht 5 vite pas emërimit, pra ne vjeshtën e këtij viti. Ndërsa duke komentuar ndryshimet ne qeveri, deputeti demokrat pohoi se beson ky do te jete kabineti qe do te çoje mazhorancen ne zgjedhjet e ardhshme parlamentare. Ne media nuk kane munguar reagimet nga deputete te shumicës, Mark Marku është një nder ata qe thotë se ndryshimet duhet te ishin me te thella. Veç rokadës se emrave ne postet qe mbajnë ministrat e LSI, kryeministri Berisha propozoi Flamur Noken ne krye te Ministrisë se Brendshme pas largimit te Bujar Nishanit, i zgjedhur president republike.

Former Minister of Justice, Enkelejd Alibeaj, joining public controversy about the end of the mandate of the General Prosecutor Ina Rama said that it ends exactly 5 years after appointment, then in the autumn of this year. While commenting on the changes in government, the Democratic lawmaker said he believes this will be a cabinet that will lead to a majority vote in the upcoming parliamentary elections. In the media there have been reactions from the majority MPs, Mark Mark is one among those who says the changes should have been deeper. Furthermore rokadës the names in the posts that hold the LSI ministers, Prime Minister Berisha proposed Noke flag at the head of the Ministry of Interior after the departure of Bujar Nishani, elected president of the republic.

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