Ministri i Mbrojtjes, Arben Imami, deklaroi se akuzat e opozitës për përgjime te paligjshme nga struktura te Shërbimit Informative Ushtarak, nuk janë te vërteta. Për dyshimet se Ministria e Mbrojtjes po kryen trafik armesh, zoti Imami tha se sulmet po nxiten nga eksponentë pranë opozitës, te lidhur me qarqe serbe. Ndërsa brenda sallës se Kuvendit, kreu i grupit te majte, Gramoz Ruçi, u shpreh se ministri i Mbrojtjes po pengon kontrollin parlamentar. Ne fund te replikës, ministri i Mbrojtjes u shpreh i hapur për kontroll apo hetim parlamentar, por shtoi se ai duhet kryer sipas procedurave ligjore.
Defense Minister Arben Imami, said opposition charges of illegal eavesdropping by the Military Intelligence Service structures, are not true. For allegations that Ministry of Defence is conducting weapons trafficking, Mr. Imam said the attacks were incited by exponents near opposition, connected with Serbian circles. While inside the hall of the Parliament, leader of the left, Gramoz Ruchi, said Defence Minister is holding parliamentary control. In late reply, the Defence Minister said he was open for inspection or parliamentary inquiry, but added that it should be conducted according to legal procedures.