Thaçi për dialogun me Serbinë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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"Serbia dhe Kosova duhet te normalizojnë marrëdhëniet sa me shpejt, ne mënyre qe BE ta ketë me te lehte te ndërhyje me pas. Por pavarësisht kësaj, Serbia duhet te heqë dore përfundimisht nga veriu i Kosovës, atë nuk do ta marre kurrë". Ky ka qene reagimi i kryeministrit te Kosoves Hashim Thaçi pas takimit ne New York me shefen e diplomacisë evropiane, Catherine Ashton, një dite pas deklaratës se homologut te tij serb Ivica Daçiç për bisedime ne nivele te larta politike. Ne një interviste për "Associated Press", Thaçi u shpreh i hapur për rinisjen e negociatave me Serbinë, por kërkoi nga vendi fqinj qe se pari te plotësoje ne praktike marrëveshjet e arritura me pare ne Bruksel. Kosova ne takimet ne New York ka zbatuar me perpikmeri vendimet e marra muaj me pare ne Bruksel, nder te cilat paraqitja ne takime me zyrtare te larte pa vendosur flamurin e Kosovës ne tryezën e bisedimeve. Kryeministri Thaçi është takuar me Baroneshen Eshton, Presidentin e Komisionit Evropian Hose Manuel Barroso por ndryshe nga sa pritej nuk ka patur as edhe një takim mes tij dhe presidentit serb, Tomislav Nikolic, ndonëse kane marre pjese ne te njëjtat forume. Bisedimet mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë pritet te rinisin ne muajin tetor.

"Serbia and Kosovo should normalize relations as soon as possible, so that the EU find it easier to intervene later. But despite that, Serbia should withdraw from northern Kosovo, eventually, it will not ever take. "This has been the reaction of the Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci after the meeting in New York with the head of European diplomacy, Catherine Ashton, a day after the declaration of his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic for talks at the highest political levels. In an interview for the "Associated Press", Thaci said he was open to resuming negotiations with Serbia, but urged the neighboring country to first fill in practice the agreements reached earlier in Brussels. Kosovo at meetings in New York has strictly implemented the decisions taken months ago in Brussels, among which the presentation in meetings with senior officials without placing Kosovo flag on the negotiating table. The Prime Minister met with Baroness Ashton, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, but differently than expected there was not even a meeting between him and the Serbian president, Tomislav Nikolic, though have participated in the same forums. Talks between Serbia and Kosovo are expected to resume in October.

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