Topi: Qeveria indiferentizëm kriminal ndaj grevës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Indiferentizëm kriminal e ka cilësuar kreu i FRD-së Bamir Topi, mungesen e dialogut mes qeverise dhe ish te përndjekurve politike.
Nga Elbasani, Topi ka komentuar grevën e urise, duke i cilesuar te drejta kerkesat e ish te përndjekurve per dëmshpërblim te plote financiar. Kreu i FRD ka premtuar se forca qe ai drejton ka nje projekt politik ndryshe nga partite e vjetra te tranzicionit. Sipas Topit plaga me e madhe e ketyre 20 viteve eshte mashtrimi qe vjen permes perfaqesuesve te partive politike ne Shqipëri.

Criminal indifference has named the head of the FRD's Bamir Topi, the lack of dialogue between the government and former political prisoners.
From Elbasan, Topi commented on hunger strike, described the just requirements of persecuted for full financial compensation. FRD leader has promised that the force he leads has a political project unlike the old parties of the transition. According to Ball biggest wound of these 20 years is the deception that comes through the representatives of political parties in Albania.

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