Albpetrol, nisin negociatat - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Zëvendëskryeministri dhe ministri i Ekonomisë Edmond Hashinasto ka konfirmuar zyrtarisht nisjen e negociatave mes institucionit qe ai drejton dhe konsorciumit Vetro-Energji, per shitjen e Albpetrolit.
Sipas tij, keto negociata parashikohet te mbyllen brenda ketij viti, ndersa per sa i perket ngurtesimit te shumes prej 20% te vleres, ajo do te jete efektive ne perfundimit te lidhjes se kontrates. Por keto negociata pritet e zgjasin edhe pertej afatit ligjore, per sere problematikash. Ende nuk eshte saktesuar se si do te veprohet me borxhet qe ka Albpetrol, per pasurite e kompanisë, te cilat nuk jane te dokumentuara apo dhe marrëveshjet koncesionare. Duke ju përgjigjur interesit te medias, zv/kryeministri eshte ndalur edhe tek marredhenia e veshtire me kompanine CEZ shpërndarje. Lidhur me ndërprerjet e energjisë kohet e fundit, ministri Ekonomisë i kujtoi kompanisë se shpërndarjes, se është ne detyrimin e saj ligjor qe te mos kete nderpreje kolektive, por vetem ndaj debitoreve.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Edmond Hashinasto has officially confirmed the launch of negotiations between the institution he leads and VETRO-Energy consortium for the sale of Albpetrol.
According to him, these negotiations is expected to close within this year, while in terms of rigidity in the amount of 20% of the value, it will be effective at the end of the contract. But these negotiations are expected to extend beyond the legal limit for the number of problems. Is not yet specify how to deal with the debt that has Albpetrol, for the company's assets, which are not documented or concession agreements. Responding to media interest, dep / PM is stopped to the relationship difficult with the company CEZ distribution. Regarding the recent power outages, Economy Minister reminded distribution company that is in its legal obligation not to this collective power cuts, but only to debtors.

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