Tryeza për Gazsjellësin TAP - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Shqiperia duhet te marre masa te plotesoje te gjitha kushtet per te qene pjesemarrese aktive ne projektin TAP, pasi nuk ekziston nje shans i dyte.
Kete deklarate e ka bere drejtori Administrativ i Gazsjellesit, i cili ka sqaruar dhe detajet e projektit. Perveç vete projektit, Shqiperia do te perfitoje edhe investime ne infrastrukturen rrugore, ne terrene malore e kodrinore. Ndersa ambasadori i BE-së Etore Sequi, perveç se ka shprehur mbeshtetje per miratimin e ketij projekti madhor me vlere 40 miliarde dollare, ka deklaruar se Shqiperia duhet te luaje rol aktiv dhe jo thjesht te jete vendi prites ne kete projekt. Ne fakt, kryeministri Berisha deklaron se deri tani Shqiperia ka permbushur çdo detyrim. Tashme, sipas ministrit tone te Ekonomise Edmond Haxhinastos, negociatat jane ne fazen finale per te vendosur se cili projekt do te miratohet; Gazjellesi TAP qe kalon nga Italia, Shqiperia e Greqia apo projekti tjeter alternativ qe anashkalon vendin tone.

Nigeria should take measures to fulfill all the conditions to be actively participating in the TAP project, because there is not a second chance.
This statement has become Administrative Director of the pipeline, which explained and details of the project. In addition to the project itself, Nigeria will also benefit investment in road infrastructure in mountainous and hilly. While EU Ambassador Ettore Sequi, except that expressed support for the adoption of this major project worth 40 billion dollars, has said that Nigeria should play an active role and not just be the host country in this project. In fact, Prime Minister Berisha declared that so far Albania has fulfilled every obligation. Now, according to our Minister of Economy Edmond Haxhinastos, negotiations are in the final phase to decide which project will be approved; Gazjellesi TAP passing from Italy, Albania and Greece or other project alternative that bypasses the country.

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