Sequi: Pa 3 ligjet, nuk ka status - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Nese klasa politike nuk do te miratoje tre ligjet, kusht i Bashkimit Europian, Shqipëria nuk ka shanse qe ne dhjetor te marre statusin e vendit kandidat.
Mesazhi i prere dhe i qarte ka ardhur nga ambasadori i Bashkimit Europian ne Tirane, Ettore Sequi. Komisioni Europian ka rekomanduar se per marrjen e statusit te vendit kandidat duhen plotësuar disa masa. Miratimi i dy ligjeve, aprovimi i rregullave proceduriale te parlamentit, progresi per anti-korrupsionin dhe krimin e organizuar. Këshilli do te diskutoje situatën e Shqipërisë. Nëse kushtet e kërkuara nuk kalohen nga parlamenti sigurisht nuk ka shanse reale për marrjen e statusit kandidat. I pyetur per nje takim te mundshëm mes dy liderve Berisha --Rama, diplomati i Bashkimit Europian eshte shprehur se dialogu politik eshte gjithmonë pozitiv.

If the political class will not approve the three laws, provided the European Union, Albania has no chance in December to receive candidate status.
Cut and clear message has come from the European Union's ambassador in Tirana, Ettore Sequi. The European Commission has recommended that for obtaining the status of candidate country must meet certain measures. Approval of two laws, the approval of parliament's procedural rules, progress on anti-corruption and organized crime. The Council will discuss the situation in Albania. If the required conditions are not passed by parliament certainly no real chances for obtaining candidate status. Asked about a possible meeting between the two leaders Berisha-Rama, European Union diplomat stated that political dialogue is always positive.

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