Gjashte muaj para zgjedhjeve publikohet sondazhi i pare per garen e 23 qershorit.
Fondacioni "Kult" nga Tetova, i cili e ka eksperiencën e pare te sondazheve ne fushën politike ka deklaruar se nese zgjedhjet parlamentare do te mbaheshin ne dhjetor ato do t'i fitonte PS me 39.5% te votave, ndërkohë qe PD do te merrte 29.6% te votave. Surpriza e ketij sondazhi eshte AK, e cila renditet e treta dhe merr 14,1 % te votave te shqiptareve. Sipas këtij sondazhi 64% e shqiptareve duan bashkimin e Kosovës me Shqipërinë para se te dy vendet te hyjnë ne BE. Ndërkohë qe partia e cila po punon me shume per kete çeshtje rendit AK me 39%, përballë PD me 32% ndërkohë qe vetëm 19% e te intervistuarve gjykojnë se PS ka punuar me shume se çdo force politike per çështjen kombëtare. Per kete sondazh janë pyetur 1200 qytetare dhe marzhi i gabimit eshte 3%.
Six months before the elections published the first survey for the June 23 race.
Foundation "Cult" from Tetovo, which has first experience in the political field surveys stated that if the parliamentary elections will be held in December they would win PS with 39.5% of the votes, while the PD would take 29.6 % of the votes. Surprises of this survey is the AK, which ranked third and receives 14.1% of the votes of the Albanians. According to the survey 64% of Albanians want the unification of Kosovo with Albania before the two countries to enter the EU. Meanwhile the party which is working more on this issue AK order of 39%, against PD by 32% while only 19% of respondents think that the PS worked more than any political force for the national cause. For this survey asked 1,200 citizens and the margin of error is 3%.