Isaraj për çështjet e sigurisë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Vrasja e fundit e Kryekomisarit Dritan Lamaj, e paraprire nga te tjetra ekzekutime te bujshme ne radhet e policisë, eshte deshmia e qarte se siguria është e cenuar, jo vetem per qytetaret, por edhe per vete ata qe duhet te na mbrojne nga elementet kriminale. Keshtu eshte shprehur ne studion e emisionit ZIP, deputeti i partise Socialiste dhe anëtari i komisionit te Sigurise, Arben Isaraj, i cili renditi disa arsye per këtë gjendje alarmante te sigurisë. Z. Isaraj theksoi se ne kushte te tilla eshte ironike, kur sheh qe mazhoranca miraton me votat e saj ne komisione nje projekt-ligj te shumedebatuar per armët, pasi sipas tij, per kedo qe ka nevoje per mbrojtje, ka ligje qe kete t'ia ofroje shteti. Sipas z. Isaraj shkaku kryesore qe sjell rritje te kriminalitetit eshte kultura e pandeshkueshmerise, por edhe situata e rende ekonomike,qe do ta marrin zgjidhje pas 23 qershorit me ardhjen e socialisteve ne pushtet.

Recent murder of Kryekomisarit Dritan Lamaj, preceded by another sensational executions in the police force, is clear evidence of safety is violated, not only for citizens, but also separate those who should protect us from criminal elements. This was expressed in the studio ZIP emission, Socialist Party MP and committee member Security, Arben Isaraj, which listed several reasons for this alarming situation to safety.Mr. Isaraj emphasized that in such circumstances it is ironic to see that the majority approves its votes in committees a long-disputed bill weapons, as according to him, for anyone who needs protection, there are laws that have to offer state.According to Mr. Isaraj main cause that brings increased crime is the culture of impunity, but also severe economic situation, you'll get a solution after 23 June with the arrival of the Socialists in power.

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