Rama prezanton Celibashin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Ish-kryetari i KQZ, Ilirjan Celibashi, do te jete ne listen e kandidateve per deputet te partise Socialiste ne zgjedhjet e 23 qershorit.
Prezantimi i Celibashit eshte bere nga kryesocialisti Edi Rama, i cili vlerësoi kontributin e ish-kreut te KQZ ne rotacionin e qete politik te vitit 2005. "Skuadra e tyre ngrihet mbi personalitetin e shkatërruar gjithkush ne ate skuadër duhet te provoje se i flet tjetrit me gjuhen e urrejtjes dhe per secilin pushteti personal ndan. Skuadra jona ngrihet mbi vlera demokratike..." Nderkohe, vete Celibashi ka shpjeguar pse ka pranuar ftesen e PS per t'u bere pjese aktive e politikes pasi e ka refuzuar per 2 here me radhe. "Percjell mesazhin qe qytetaret shqiptaret te votojnë masivisht alternative e PS, pasi une mendoj qe kjo është alternative me e mire per 4 vitet e ardhshme. Ajo jo vetëm do te sjelle zhvillimin ekonomik, por pas këtij tranzicioni te gjate program i PS do te sjelle paqen sociale aq te kërkuar nga shqiptaret dhe mirëkuptimin politik." Ilirijan Celibashi eshte kandidati i katert per deputetet qe prezantohet nga Edi Rama edhe pse nga zgjedhjet na ndajnë edhe 3 muaj, nje praktike kjo qe nuk eshte ndjekur me pare nga forcat politike, por e eksperimentuar nga vete Rama gjate prezantimit te kandidateve për zgjedhjet vendore 2011.

Former President of the CEC, Ilirjan Celibashi, will be on the list of candidates for the Socialist party deputy in the June 23 elections.
Celibashi presentation was made by kryesocialisti Edi Rama, who praised the contribution of the former head of the CEC in the rotation of political calm 2005. "Team up on their personality destroyed everyone on that team has to prove that speaks another language and hatred for each personal power divides. Our team built on democratic values ??... "Meanwhile, separate Celibashi explained why SP has accepted the invitation to become an active part of the policy once rejected for 2 times in a row. "Convey the message for the citizens to vote massively PS alternative, because I think that this is the best alternative for the next 4 years. It will not only bring economic development, but after this long transition PS program will bring social peace as requested by the Albanians and political understanding. "Ilirijan Celibashi is the fourth candidate for deputies presented by Edi Rama even though the election share us 3 months, a practice that is not followed earlier by political forces, but the experiment itself Rama during the presentation of the candidates for the 2011 local elections.

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