Berisha për lejet e ndërtimit dhe "TAP" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Afati per te siguruar nje leje ndertimi, shkurtohet nga gati 400 dite ne vetem 45 dite. Ne mungese te pergjigjes nga autoritetet, leja konsiderohet e aprovuar.
Ndryshimet jane miratuar ne mbledhjen e qeverise. Kryeministri Berisha tha se per here te pare, drejtuesit lokale fitojne autoritetin per zhvillimin e territorit. "Nga 399 dite per nje leje ndertimi, modeli i shemtuar, kalojme ne nje standard 45 ditesh, me parimin heshtja eshte miratim." Pasi Shqipëria -- Italia dhe Greqia, firmosen disa dite me pare marrëveshjen 3-paleshe ne Athinë, per te bashkëpunuar per projektin gazsjellës Trans-Adriatik, shtetet perkatese kane nisur procedurat e ratifikimit. Zoti Berisha e cilësoi projektin "TAP" me te rëndësishmin per vendin, qe do te ule koston e jeteses me ngrohje dhe gatim per çdo familje. Ne fund te mbledhjes se përjavshme, shefi i qeverise iu rikthye propozimit qe beri diten e hene, por qe hasi ne kundërshtinë edhe te OSBE, ai per uljen e moshës se votimit deri ne 16 vjeç. Duke qene nje ndryshim kushtetues, vullneti i opozitës, eshte i domosdoshëm, ndaj duket se kjo nisme nuk do ta kaloje kufirin e retorikes publike disa ditore.

Deadline to secure a building permit, reduced from about 400 days to only 45 days. In the absence of a response from the authorities, the permit is considered approved.
Changes have been approved in the meeting of the government. Premier Berisha said that for the first time, local leaders gain authority for the development of the territory. "Out of 399 days for a building permit, ugly model, pass in a standard 45 days, silence is consent principle." Once Albania - Italy and Greece, signed a few days ago, 3-way agreement in Athens, to collaborate on Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline project relevant countries have initiated the ratification procedures. Mr. Berisha considered the "TAP" the most important for the country, which will reduce the cost of living with heating and cooking for every family. At the end of the weekly meeting, the head of the government returned the proposal was made ??on Monday, but was met with hostility to the OSCE, that the reduction of the voting age to 16 years. Being a constitutional amendment, the will of the opposition is essential, so it seems that this initiative will not exceed the limit of public rhetoric of some days.

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