Komisioni i Jashtëm për rezolutën Çame - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Komisioni i Jashtem ka vendosur me konsensus te verifikoje rezoluten per çeshtjen çame, te shqyrtuar nga parlamenti ne vitin 2004.
Propozimi eshte bere nga demokrati Fatos Beja, qe eshte kryetar i komisionit te Jashtem, i cili ka deklaruar se kjo rezolute eshte miratuar ne kuvend. Sipas Bejes, tabela e votimit thote qe rezoluta ka marre 53 vota pro, 4 kunder dhe 44 abstenime prandaj quhet e votuar dhe parlamenti nuk ka pse te miratoje nje rezolute te re. Por, kreu i PDIU-së Idrizi ka sjelle ne vemendje se pavaresisht rezultatit te votimit, kryetari i asaj kohe i kuvendit, Servet Pellumbi ka deklaruar se rezoluta eshte rrezuar dhe ajo nuk eshte botuar ne fletoren zyrtare. Per kete arsye, komisioni ka vendosur verifikimin e botimit.

Foreign Affairs Committee has decided by consensus to verify the Cham issue resolution, considered by the parliament in 2004.
The proposal was made by Democrat Fatos Beja, who is chairman of the Foreign Affairs, who stated that this resolution is approved in parliament. According Beja, voting table says that the resolution received 53 votes in favor, 4 against and 44 abstentions so called vote and parliament does not have to adopt a new resolution. But the head of PJIU Idrizi has brought to attention that regardless of the outcome of the vote, the chairman at the time of assembly, Servet Pellumbi stated that the resolution was overruled and it is not published in the Official Gazette. For this reason, the Commission has decided verification of publication.

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