Librat e rinj të fundjavës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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I publikuar per here te pare ne vitin 2011, libri i italianit Roberto Ciai vjen tashme edhe ne shqip. "Njeriu qe i shpetoi jeten Duces". Romani gërsheton trillin me personazhe reale, duke i vendosur ngjarjet ne shkëlqimin e regjimit fashist te viteve '30 e deri ne nisjen e Luftes se Dyte Botërore. Mes autoreve te huaj te shqiperuar vjen kete jave edhe shkrimtari spanjoll Kirmen Uribe. Autori bask përkthehet me romanin qe e beri te njohur, "Bilbao-NjuYork-Bilbao", fitues i çmimit kombetar spanjoll te prozës si dhe i vlersuar nga kritika per rrëfimin qe kombinon mjeshtërisht familjen, dashuritë dhe letërsinë. Ne radhen e botimeve te reja te autoreve vendas publikohet vellimi i dyte i "Kuvend Letrash me Miqte". Libri përmbledh shkrimet e nje sere personalitetesh shqiptare si Mustafa Kruja, Ernest Koliqi, Martin Camaj apo At Zef Pllumi. Po mes autoreve vendas, Rita Strakosha boton librin utilitar "Si te përballojmë krizën", ndersa per femijet perkthehet novela gazmore "Djali me Fustan" i David Walliams.

Published for the first time in 2011, Italy's Roberto Ciai book now also comes in Albanian. "The man who saved the life Duce". The novel invention combines with real characters, placing events in the splendor of the fascist regime of the 30s until the beginning of World War II. Among foreign authors to come this week shqiperuar the Spanish writer Kirmen Uribe. Basque author translated the novel that made ??it famous, "Bilbao-Bilbao-NjuYork", winner of the Spanish national and prose as assessed by criticism for telling that neatly combines family, loves and literature. In order of new publications of local authors published the second volume of "Letters Assembly with Friends". The book includes writings of a number of Albanian personalities as Mustafa Kruja, Koliqi Ernest Martin Father Zef Camaj or Pllumi. But between local authors, book publishing Strakosha Rita utilitarian "How to cope with the crisis", while translated novels for children funny "boy to dress" of David Walliams.

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