Tendencë, memuaristika në Shqipëri - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Pas kujtimeve te Fatos Kongolit, Helena Kadarese, Nasho Jorgaqit, por edhe atyre te Alfred Moisiut apo Spartak Ngjeles, i erdhi radha edhe Bardhyl Londos, i cili vetem pak dite me pare publikoi nje liber te kesaj gjinie. Dukshëm memuaristika, nje zhanër i levruar prej shekujsh kudo ne bote, ka nisur te kthehet ne tendence, tashme prej disa vitesh edhe ne hapësirat mbareshqiptare. Por si i shohin publicistët e studiuesit keto botime?! Per Piro Mishen memuaristika ze nje vend te rendesishem, por mes ketyre botimeve duhet te kete nje site kritike, pasi jo te gjitha kane vlera historike. Studiuesi Behar Gjoka, duke qëndruar ne te njejten linje, shkon me tej kur thote se kjo tendence eshte shndërruar ne "sindrome", pasi çdokush duket sikur po boton rishtazi kujtimet e jetes. Sipas tij, ato nuk duhet te lene ne hije letërsinë e vertete. Ne fakt, eksperienca boterore tregon se gjinia e memuaristikes eshte mjaft e pasur. Emra si ish kryeministri Willson Çerçill jane versuar madje edhe çmimin "Nobel" per botimin e kujtimeve, siç edhe ka pasur ditarë te cilat pavarësisht bujës jane harruar shpejt. Ndërsa ne vendet e lindjes, pas renies se sistemit komunist,vete shteti financonte dokumentimin e kujtimeve te protagonisteve te kohës.

After Fatos Kongoli memories, Helena Kadare, Nasho Jorgaqi, but also those of Alfred Moses or Spartak Ngjela, came the turn of the Baedhyl Londos, who only a few days ago published a book of this genus. Notable memuaristika, a genre he delivered anywhere in the world for centuries, has begun to return to trend, already several years in the Albanian areas. But as researchers see the publicists of these publications? For Piro Misha memuaristika occupies an important place, but between these publications should be a critical site, because not all have historical value. Behar researcher Rybak, standing in the same line, goes further when he says that this trend is transforming the "syndrome" because everyone seems to newly published memoirs of life. According to him, they should not be left in the shade of true literature. In fact, world experience shows that gender memuaristikes is quite rich. Wilson names as former Prime Minister Churchill were even versuar price "Nobel Prize" for the publication of the memoirs, as well as diaries which had been forgotten despite furor quickly. While the countries of birth, after the fall of communism, the state finance themselves documenting memories of the players on time.

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