Mediat e huaja për Edi Ramen - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Kandidati per kryeministër i partise Socialiste, fitues i zgjedhjeve te 23 qershorit synon qe te ndërtojë nje Shqipëri europiane sipas modelit te Toni Blair. Kështu shkruan e përditshmja greke "Etnos", ne nje shkrim te gjate per procesin zgjedhor ne vendin tone, me titull: "Ai deshiron nje Shqipëri europiane". Ne kete artikull evidentohet fakti qe Rama ka nje marrëveshje me ish-kryeministrin britanik Toni Blair, veçanërisht sa i takon politikes se jashtme. Gazeta citon Ramen te kete thene se me bashkëpunimin e ngushte te Blair do te implementojme reforma te thella ekonomike qe do te ndryshojnë klimën ne te gjithe Ballkanin. Nderkohe, nje tjeter artikull ne kete gazete ngre pikëpyetjet se si do te jene marrëdhëniet e reja mes Shqipërisë dhe Greqisë, veçanërisht sa i takon kufirit detar, te cilin partia Socialiste e dergoi te ashtuquajturin pakti detar ne gjykatën kushtetuese. Edhe mediat italiane kane vijuar t'i bejne nje pasqyrim te gjere fjalimit te Edi Rames, duke cituar ate si "Ora e ndryshimit te madh".

Prime candidate for the Socialist Party, the winner of the June 23 election aims to build a European Albania model of Tony Blair. So wrote the Greek daily "Ethnos", in a long written about the electoral process in our country, with the headline: "He wants a European Albania". In this article mention the fact that Rama has an agreement with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, particularly in terms of foreign policy. The newspaper quoted as saying ramen with the close cooperation of Blair will implement deep reforms that will change the economic climate throughout the Balkans. Meanwhile, another article in this newspaper raised questions about how it will be new relations between Albania and Greece, especially regarding the maritime border, which sent the Socialist Party of marine pact called constitutional court. Italian media have also continued to make a broad overview speech Edi Rama, citing it as a "time of great change."

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