Kume analizon punën e KQZ - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Ish-kryetari i KQZ, Kristaq Kume, mendon se problemi me i madh qe shoqëroi punën e institucionit zgjedhor ishte funksionimi i tij me vetëm 4 anëtarë. Trupa zgjedhore sipas tij u cungua pas ndërhyrjeve te forta politike, ndersa anëtarët ju nënshtruan vullnetit partiake, duke e reflektuar këtë edhe ne vendimet e tyre. Sipas ish-kryetarit te KQZ rinumerimi ne Lezhe reflektoi nje tjetër problem: ate te politizimit edhe te administratës zgjedhore. Mosrespektimi i ligjit qe parashikon per këtë pjese ndëshkime edhe me burg, ben qe një fenomen e tille të jete prezent në të gjitha zgjedhjet. Por ndërsa fajtorja kryesore mbetet politika, cila do te ishte zgjidhja per keto probleme? Sipas Kumes do te ishte, krijimi i nje administrate dhe KQZ mbi bazën e meritës dhe konkurseve jashtë politikes". Pasi përmbylli procesin elektoral te 23 qershorit, KQZ tashme pritet t'i nënshtrohet ndryshimeve te reja, pas mazhorances se re qe prodhuan zgjedhjet.
Former chairman of the CEC, Kristaq Kume, thinks that the biggest problem that accompanied the work of the election was its function with only 4 members. Electoral bodies in his truncated after strong political interference, while party members will caved, also reflecting this in their decisions. Under former President of the CEC in Copenhagen reflected a recount another problem: that of the politicization of the election administration. Violation of this law that provides for punishment with imprisonment part, is that such a phenomenon to be present in all elections. But while the main culprit remains the policy, which would be the solution for these problems? According Kumes would be the creation of an administration and CEC on the basis of merit and competitions outside politics ". Once the electoral process ended June 23, CEC now expected to undergo new changes, new majority after elections that produced.

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