top 10 myths you u[-s-e-]d to believe when you were a kid Subscribe to our c-h-a-n-n-e-l: For copyright matters plea[-s-e-] contact us at: .
Top 10 facts that we still think are true but are actually fal[-s-e-]! Subscribe to our c-h-a-n-n-e-l: For copyright matters plea[-s-e-] contact us at: .
The Amish actually DO u[-s-e-] technology!? Is being Agnostic the same as Atheist? Today I bust the[-s-e-] and more of the biggest MYTHS you were ever told about .
From Viking helmets to goldfish only having 3 [-s-e-]conds of memory, to goldfish only having 3 [-s-e-]conds of memory, we count 50 common misconc[E-0]tions you have .