Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film Dilwale is set to clash with Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone starrer Bajirao Mastani on December 18 this year and Khan, who considers Deepika to be his lucky charm, admitted that the clash is not a good thing to happen.
On his 50th birthday, during a media interaction, when asked for his opinion on the box-office clash, SRK said, ''Two films are coming together and all are friends are working in it, including the director the producers... I would want their movie to be a huge hit. Rohit, Me, Kajol, Kriti, Varun all have worked hard too. It is unfortunate that both the films are coming together. I believe we are going through a time where two films releasing together can do good. Lagaan and Gadar were successful too. So hopefully it'll be good. It (Bajirao Mastani) will be a beautiful film, ours is good too. It's unfortunate but films will clash.''