Lilo Stitch Funny Moments Episode

Phyliss   2016-10-05

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[]Got a source for this? Sounds interesting!
[]Boaty McBoatface.
[]I love me some Olympia!
[]Is Ghanem your last name? Pretty popular Leb name. I'm Lebanese :)
[]IDK all the things money can't buy (friends, family partner etc) I already have. The only limiting factor to my happiness is the cost the activities I wish to do with people I love.
[]He's to blame for his actions. He should be punished. Maybe all murderers should be placed in solitary confinement for life?
[]People like that are the reason that people get to benefit off of having good credit ratings. Could you imagine if you were the shittiest fish in the sea and had a 750 score but couldn't get credit cause you're in the bottom percentile? Let people suck man, them and I are reasons why others get good rates and offers. More or less you're welcome. You're so very welcome.
[]Yeah because you're a looser
[]I am going to do and see everything that interests me in this one chance I have to go around in life.

It's simple, but also complicated at the same time
[]Amazing! Look after that.
[]Can't fooled me. That's a puppy disguised as a kitten. You can tell by the way it lapped the milk like a dog.
[]Go fuck yourself
[]I fucking love this man. His renditions of “My Neck, My Back” and “Welcome to the Jungle” are positively to die for!
[]The storm footage though is not as epic as the radar. I was quite disappointed about that.
[]Yeah pretty much.
[]First of all I thought the future tense "will" indicates something like "most likely going to happen", whereas "going to" means something is definitely going to take place; short: I meant he most likely will abuse his children.

Why I say this? 1. He obviously is sexually strongly attracted by children, having children around him seems to be a big "tease" all the time.
2. His big collection shows that it's a sexual preference

Check cases of child abuse/molesting there is a huge correlation of people who abused (their own) children and own CP. (the correlation of people owning cp and acting those phantasies out is high.

3.1: there are is a lot of CP that is produced by pedophiles with their children.
[]I don't read that language, but i'm assuming it just says 'fuck'
[]Except Iceland is not Scandinavian.

Yes, most prisons in Scandinavia are luxury hotels compared to American prisons, but then again the incarceration rate is 75 per 100,000 in Norway compared to 707 to 100,000 people in the US.
[]I loved enter the matrix until i hit a game killing bug and couldn't finish the game.
[]I not only have a real girlfriend, but I also have sex.
[]I love you

With my heart.

k, you are seriously over reacting to everything, as I said originally. I didn't say I wanted to dictate their feelings, I said I didn't care.
[]Don't worry, I am.
[]The "voluntarily homeless" thing is bullshit. He's clearly got money.

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