2016-10-09 Trinity Sunday +20. Octoberr 9, 2016
1. IHoP Worship – OneThing 2015, Jaye Thomas & Chris Tofilon 12/31/15 7pm, 34:20-75:58-end https://youtu.be/cQuIxCa5wjs
2. Chorale Alle menschen müßen sterben, All men must die, BWV 262, Rundfunkchor, Berlin, https://youtu.be/W_c_JjNdu9M – 9:26
3. Luther sermon on the 20th Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 5:15-21 The Careful Walk of the Christian.
4. John Piper Romans sermon #22:
19981115 01v28-32 R022 Doing and Endorsing Evil
All his Romans messages: www.desiringgod.org/series/romans-the-greatest-letter-ever-written/messages
I went back to the first blended worship service for Pentecost Sunday, 2016-05-15, with John Piper's first Romans message from 1998-04-26
01v1 R001 The Author of the Greatest Letter Ever Written
5. Cantata BWV 162 Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe, Ah! I see now, as I to the Wedding go
1.-6. Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling, Director https://youtu.be/g1YONyu1Pw0
English translation: www.bach-cantatas.com/Texts/BWV162-Eng3.htm