Full sermon notes available here: http://redemption-church.com/sermons/fear-3-prepared-table/
Fear shows up when it wants. Fear does what it wants.
Imagine with me.. You are held up in a room. The house is secured. The doors and windows boarded up. Everyone has their weapons. People stationed strategically to secure the place. But the zombies, the creature, the killer gets in anyway.
Have you seen that movie?
Fear always manages to call the shots. Fear is always able to slip inside. Even when we plan against it, it seems to outwit us. Fear even defeats logic. We are often afraid of illogical things that don’t even make sense.
The number of things we could be afraid of are unlimited. The number of ways fear could affect our lives is unlimited. Fear appears stronger than us. Fear appears faster than us. Fear appears smarter than us.
But there is good news! The Lord prepares a table.
Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.(NIV)
Fear tries to have a seat at the table, but the Table was prepared FOR YOU. It is time to remove fear from the table and invite someone else to sit.
Redemption Church is a nondenominational Church in Plano Texas. Our mission is to declare the good news and see others become followers of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to be a 1st Century Church connecting to a 21st Century world. To bring the community, the power, passion & dedication of that 1st century church to the fast paced, technologically advanced, and complex world of the 21st century.
We currently meet on Sunday afternoons at 3pm at the Corner of Parker Rd & Alma in Plano Tx. We would love to greet you in person.
Our lead pastor is Chris Fluitt.