The Bhaijaan of Bollywood Salman Khan had an elaborate Raksha Bandhan celebration with his sisters this year at their Bandra residence Galaxy Apartments. While Salman was clad in a white kurta, Sohail Khan showed up in boxers and a hoodie.
Taking to Twitter, Arpita Khan wrote, “To the best brother @BeingSalmanKhan in the whole wide world ! Love you happy Rakhi !”
After the rituals of Rakhi, Arpita and her friends took an adorable selfie with B-town’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan. Posting the selfie on Twitter, Arpita tweeted,” Chal Selfie Le Le Re !”
Apparently, Arbaaz Khan gave the festivities a miss and sister Arpita missed him during the festivities. Arpita also tweeted,” Missed @arbaazSkhan being there for Rakhi today. Happy Rakhi love you”.
Salman is reportedly quite fond of his sisters (both real and Rakhi sisters) and doesn’t miss an occasion to pamper them