Yes, you read it right! Archrivals Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan will be seen together under one roof on the auspicious occasion of Eid. Well, they won't exactly be seen shaking hands but the first theatrical trailer of SRK's forthcoming film, by Yash Raj Films, is slated to be launched with Salman's Ek Tha Tiger. As both films are by YRF, the production house has decided to unveil Shah Rukh's untitled next's trailer with Ek Tha Tiger. "Ek Tha Tiger will release during Eid and it is a strategic move on the part of YRF to attach the promos of Yash Chopra's SRK-starrer to the film. Similarly, when Ishaqzaade released, the promos of Ek Tha Tiger were clubbed with it," a source was quoted saying. We wonder if Salman agreed for this, only because 'good friend' Katrina Kaif is starring opposite the Baadshah in the yet to be titled movie.