The Indian off-spinner Harbhajan Singh will lead the Punjab squad for the upcoming Vijay Hazare Trophy. The side also includes Yuvraj Singh. Yuvi recently made a comeback to the national squad for the ODI series against England. The batting line-up of Punjab consists of Mandeep Singh, Manan Vohra, Gurkeerat Singh Mann and Yuvraj Singh. The India Under-19 captain Abhishek Sharma, who led the side in Asia Cup in 2016 has also been included. Skipper Harbhajan Singh will spearhead the spin department whereas Sidharth Kaul and Sandeep Sharma will lead the pace attack. The squad do not include Manpreet Gony and Rahul Sharma. Both were the part of the side for the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy. Punjab will play its first match against Vidarbha on February 25.
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