ICC Champions Trophy: R Ashwin reveals, Virender Sehwag demoralised him. India's premier off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin has revealed the demoralising effect he had while bowling at former opener Virender Sehwag. Ashwin said, Sehwag was never complicated. He had a demoralising effect on me actually"."There was an incident in Dambulla, where every ball that I bowled, first ball I bowled outside off stump, Sehwag cut me. Next ball I bowled on off stump, he cuts me. Next ball I bowled on middle stump, he cuts me.""The next ball I bowl on leg stump, he again cuts me. So I said 'what the hell is happening'. So I just bowled a ball fuller, Sehwag stepped out and slugged me out for a six," Ashwin said.