In British Baby’s Case, Catholic Views Aren’t So Clear-Cut
John M. Haas said that Pope Francis believes, along with Charlie’s parents,
that his life — all life — is worth fighting for, regardless of the presence of disability.
Benedict XVI affirmed that A man, even if seriously ill or disabled in the exercise of his highest functions, is and always wi
Mr. Johnson said that They could keep the child alive for a period, but toward what purpose?
" Mr. Haas said in a phone interview. that The poor child is suffering from an incurable genetic disorder
that can’t be cured, so there is no question that there is no moral obligation to continue intervention, according to Catholic teaching,
The hospital has won a series of court rulings — the final one was last week — allowing
it to turn off the ventilation and feeding machines that keep Charlie alive.
Although the parents, Connie Yates and Chris Gard, exhausted their legal appeals last week, they found new allies in Pope Francis
and President Trump, who offered statements of support.