Greg Scho bir Video Yükledi #DMC #TopCar #Porsche991
We chose the fantastic product from #TopCarFamilyfor my good bro #JKS #JangKeunSuk. Since he's the #AsiaPrince, he deserves nothing but the very best.
@dmc_greg - #DMC #TopCar #Porsche991
We chose the fantastic product from #TopCarFamilyfor my good bro #JKS #JangKeunSuk. Since he's the #AsiaPrince, he deserves nothing but the very best.
#DMC #Enİyi #Porsche991 Fantastik Ürünü Seçtik #Kardeşim İçin EnİyiArabaAilesi #JKS #JangKeunSuk.Onun Olduğundan Beri #AsyaPrensi, En İyisinden Başka Hiçbir Şey Hak Etmiyor.
[Greg'in Ek Yorumu]
Önümüzdeki Günlerde Tek Bir Sahneyi Yayınlayacağım ve Sonuç Olarak Genel Olarak Her Sahnede Artı "Smirk" Bonusuyla Profesyonel Bir Kesim Filmi Hazırlayacağız.
Greg Scho Uploaded a Video #DMC #TopCar #Porsche991
We chose the fantastic product from #TopCarFamilyfor my good bro #JKS #JangKeunSuk. Since he's the #AsiaPrince, he deserves nothing but the very best.
@dmc_greg - #DMC #TopCar #Porsche991
We chose the fantastic product from #TopCarFamilyfor my good bro #JKS #JangKeunSuk. Since he's the #AsiaPrince, he deserves nothing but the very best.
#DMC #TopCar #Porsche991
We Chose The Fantastic Product From #TopCarFamilyfor My Good Bro #JKS #JangKeunSuk. Since He's The #AsiaPrince, He Deserves Nothing But The Very Best.
[Greg's Additional Comment]
I'll Post All Single Scenes in The Coming Days, and in The end We Will Have a Professional Cut .Movie With All Scenes Plus a "Smirk" Bonus as Usually.