Plants Vs Zombies game.\r
Plants used:\r
Imitator Wall-nut\r
Potato Mine\r
The mini game is pretty straight forward. Basically all you need is a lot of defense. Wall-nuts and Tall-nuts will do good. Tall-nuts are better but I did not use them in this video as it was not necessary since its the easy version of Zombotany. In Zombotany mini games I always put 2 sunflowers, one in the back the other to its right, then I do the next row. Why? so that I can leave that lane and plant a potato mine or something. This way I will have no sunflowers there while the zombie is shooting.\r
Also squash is preferred to have in this minigame as well. Squash is ually more useful then Potato Mine in Zombotany since Potato Mines require too much time to get ready and by the time they get to the Potato Mine, they have already destroyed a plant, or two.\r
NOTE: If you dont have an imitator then you may add Tall-nut and use that. If you dont have 9 slots then just dont use the imitator and add everything else :). I also bought Garden Rake from the shops, it is very useful.\r
EDIT: The views.. Its over 9000!!!!!! xD