Padmavati director Sanjay leela Bhansali recently clarified that ther is no dream sequence between Rani Padmavti and Alauddin Khilji in this film. Padmavati is in controversies right from the time shooting starts. In misfortunate incident happened in Jaipur on Padmavati sets when Sanjay Leela Bhansali was man handled by members of Karni Seva Samiti. This time Sanjay Leela Bhansali clarifies in advance, may be to avoid any such incident again. Padmavati's makers also have insured the film. Although Padmavati team are focusing on the release of the film but they are afraid of controversies. Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone And Shahid Kapoor starrer film Padmavti is set to release on 1st December 2017. Film's poster, trailer, first song Ghoomar and recently the 3D trailer launch Everything is creating buzz. So Sanajay Leela Bhansali forced to clearfiy the matter with a video and he did. Watch the Video to Know more.